Trademore Again! Abuja estate hit by severe flooding, homes submerged, residents stranded

Devastating floods have inundated numerous homes in the Trademore Estate, located in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), leaving many residences submerged in water. The estate is along Airport Road at…

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‘Devil will lick his wounds’ – Oyakhilome boasts after Christ Embassy HQs fire | Video

President and founder of LoveWorld Incorporated better known as Christ Embassy, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome has said the fire incident at the church’s headquarters was not an accident but an avenue…

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I set my 86-year-old mother ablaze after pastor said she’s behind my predicament’ – Daughter

A 45-year-old housewife, identified as Abiodun, nicknamed Iya Sunday, has given the reason for setting her 86-year-old mother ablaze in Ondo town, Ondo State. The suspect said her pastor told…

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