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Girlfriend’s murder: Famous ex-paralympian, Oscar Pistorius to be freed in January

Oscar Pistorius, 37, the double-amputee athlete who was once hailed as an icon for overcoming adversity, has been granted parole after serving 10 years of a 13-year and five-month prison sentence for the murder of his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp.

Pistorius was convicted of culpable homicide in 2014 for shooting Steenkamp multiple times through the locked bathroom door of their home on Valentine’s Day 2013. He maintained that he mistook her for an intruder, but the prosecution successfully argued that he had intentionally killed her in a fit of rage.

The decision to grant Pistorius parole has been met with mixed reactions. Some have expressed relief that he will be able to move on with his life, while others believe that he has not served enough time for his crime.

In a statement, Steenkamp’s family said they were “deeply disappointed” with the decision, but they respected the parole board’s ruling. They also said they hoped Pistorius would use his time on parole to make amends for his actions.

Pistorius is expected to be released from prison on January 5. He will be subject to strict parole conditions, including house arrest and community service.

“Mr Pistorius will complete the remainder of the sentence in the system of community corrections and will be subjected to supervision in compliance with parole conditions until his sentence expires,” the Department of Correctional Services informed.

The case of Oscar Pistorius has been a high-profile one in South Africa and around the world.

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