You are currently viewing LASTMA allegedly causes tragic accident which kills pregnant woman, her children, ‘keke’ driver

LASTMA allegedly causes tragic accident which kills pregnant woman, her children, ‘keke’ driver

Tragedy struck on Tuesday, in Ago, Okota area of Lagos, after a vehicle which was being chased by an official of the Lagos State Traffic Management Authority (LASTMA), rammed into a tricycle, killing a pregnant woman and her two children.

The driver of the tricycle also lost his life in the incident.

Eyewitnesses alleged that one of the LASTMA officials at Okota Roundabout was trying to take over the steering of a Toyota Sienna vehicle from the driver while in motion.

It was alleged that the driver had violated traffic rules.

In the process, the vehicle reportedly lost control and rammed into a tricycle on Bayo Oyewale Street.

The pregnant woman was said to be taking her children to school when tragedy struck.

The incident sparked a protest, as an irate mob descended on the LASTMA official.

The timely intervention of a team of policemen saved the official from being lynched, as the officers fired tear gas cannisters to disperse the mob.

The policemen also cleared the barricade mounted on the road by the protesters, as they whisked the LASTMA official away.

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