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Mentally unstable man decapitates 84-year-old man

Elder Alfred Opadipe, 84, has been decapitated in Ipara town, Ogun State’s Remo North Local Government Area by a guy who is thought to have mental health issues.

According to reports, the 32-year-old maniac, named David Shodola, was said to have decapitated his victim on Friday morning, causing chaos in the community.

The “lunatic” also died as a result of his violent resistance to being arrested and machete attacks on law enforcement officers.

Verifying the incident on Friday night, the spokesperson for the Ogun State Police, Omotola Odutola, stated that the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) CSP Bankole Isara Eluyeru led several officers to the area after receiving a distress call from an undisclosed informant.

She claimed that while violently resisting capture, the suspect attacked the DPO and his men with a machete. The law enforcement agents however, were able to take down the man and seize the weapon from him.

The police spokesperson noted that there was no indication from the information the police obtained that the subject was a lunatic.

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