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159 million Nigerians subscribe to mobile internet in May

The number of mobile internet subscriptions in Nigeria has increased to 159 million in May.

This is according to data obtained from the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC). The number also represents a 6.18% year-on-year increase from the 149.78 million subscriptions recorded in May of 2022.

The four major mobile operators in Nigeria, MTN, Airtel, Globacom, and 9mobile, accounted for 99.15% of the total mobile internet subscriptions in May. MTN had the highest number of subscriptions with 67.97 million, followed by Globacom with 43.70 million, Airtel with 43.25 million, and 9mobile with 4.12 million.

The NCC said that the growth in mobile internet subscriptions in Nigeria is being driven by a number of factors, including the increasing availability of smartphones, the growing popularity of online services, and the government’s efforts to improve broadband connectivity.

The Global System for Mobile Communications, a worldwide telco association said: “As the primary way most people access the internet in Sub-Saharan Africa, mobile is driving digital inclusion.

“This delivers significant economic benefits, reduces poverty, and transforms lives by providing people with access to a range of life-enhancing services. By the end of 2021, around 40 per cent of the adult population in Sub-Saharan Africa subscribed to mobile internet services.

“Although this figure is a marked increase from the 35 per cent at the start of the pandemic, it still lags behind the global average of 70 per cent by a considerable margin.”

The NCC has said that it is committed to further increasing the number of mobile internet subscriptions in Nigeria. The Commission said it has set a target of 70% broadband penetration by 2025.

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