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As Council of Bishops honours Deputy Speaker Kalu

By Jerry Uchenna Nwohu

The esteemed Council of Bishops in Nigeria has honoured the Rt Hon. Benjamin Kalu, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, with a prestigious in recognition of his dedication to betterment of humanity.

The award, according to the Council, is a testament to his resolute and unwavering devotion to the advancement of society.

Rt Hon. Kalu, has since his emergence as public servant garnered widespread recognition for his steadfast dedication to upholding the principles of honour, integrity, and service. His unwavering commitment to the pursuit of public service has earned him yet another award, this instance originating from the revered Council of Bishops in Nigeria.

The eminent persona of the Rt Hon. Benjamin Kalu, characterised by unwavering integrity and unwavering commitment, profoundly resonates with the principles cherished by the esteemed Council of Bishops. The recent acknowledgment of his societal contributions further contributes to the plethora of accolades that underscore his commendable stewardship and altruistic dedication to the well-being of fellow individuals.

This esteemed recognition arrives at a momentous juncture as Deputy Speaker Kalu prepares for his highly anticipated homecoming occasion on the 28th and 29th of December 2023. The forthcoming event is expected to witness the convergence of distinguished individuals in Nigeria, a gathering that is poised to commemorate and pay tribute to his remarkable contributions to the nation.

The commendable commitment and unwavering endeavours of the Honourable Kalu in his service to the populace have not escaped recognition. His unwavering dedication to the betterment of communities, fervent advocacy for constructive transformation, and embodiment of the virtues of altruism and empathy have earned him this thoroughly deserved recognition.

His commitment to enhancing the well-being of individuals and his tireless endeavours in advocating for initiatives that yield favourable effects on societies have garnered extensive acclaim. By virtue of his astute leadership, unwavering advocacy, and profound compassion, the esteemed Honourable Kalu has emerged as a luminous symbol of hope and advancement for a multitude of individuals.

As the Deputy Speaker readies himself for the forthcoming homecoming in light of this acknowledgment, it serves as a testament to his commendable stewardship and resolute dedication to cultivating an improved societal milieu that encompasses all individuals.
Furthermore, his invitation as a special guest for the National Solemn Assembly, a day dedicated to praise and thanksgiving for Nigeria, reflects the high regard in which he is held within the nation. His presence at this significant event and among strategic people underscores his importance as a leader who embodies values of service, unity, and gratitude.

| Dr Nwohu is a Security expert and political strategist

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