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Jealous man beheads wife, cuts off her breast, private parts

In one of the worst recorded forms of domestic violence, a Malawian man identified as Mkwate Chimbizi, has been arrested for brutally killing his wife and cutting off her head, breasts and other private parts.

It was gathered that 27-year-old man, committed the crime at their residence in Ngabu, Chikwawa, Malawi. 

Edward Kabango, the South East Police Region Spokesperson who confirmed the incident in a Friday statement said the suspect confessed to have killed his 23-year-old wife by first slicing her breasts, then went further to remove her private parts before cutting off her head.

Kabango also revealed that Chimbizi who was arrested on Thursday said he carried out the dastard act because he suspected that his wife was having an extramarital affair.

The suspect, confessed to have thrown his wife breast and private parts in a pit latrine but led officers to a site where the buried head of the deceased was recovered in a decomposed state.

In his confessional statement, the suspect said:

“I and my wife had a heated argument June 3, because I suspected her to be having extramarital affair with someone else.

“The heated argument escalated into a fight and I hit her on the head with a stone, which killed her immediately.

“I then took a panga and cut off her breast and private parts before I finally cut off her head.”

The police spokesperson said they are yet to recover the victim body, but a search for the victim’s body is ongoing.

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