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Musk/Zuckerberg cage fight: ‘We are ready for battle’ say billionaires

Technology billionaire, Elon Musk is having a field day with a proposed bout he had called against fellow Tech billionaire, Mark Zuckerberg. As the tension heightens, fans seem to be holding their breath and anticipating.

Recall that last week, after Zuckerberg, the Facebook boss had announced that his team is currently working on a microblogging app that would rival Twitter, Musk, not too happy with it Tweeted: “up for a cage fight?” Not wasting time, Zuckerberg replied: “send me location.”

What must have started as a joke is now looking real by the day with the preparations embarked on by the two. Even Meta’s spokesperson, Iska Saric told reporters that people shouldn’t take the exchanges between the two bosses lightly as “The story speaks for itself.”

52 years old Musk has even chosen a location and has started training for the dateless tournament.

“Vegas Octagon”, he gave as the location. Then stated that “I have this great move that I call ‘The Walrus,’ where I just lie on top of my opponent and do nothing.”

The Octagon is the competition mat and fenced-in area used for Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) bouts. The UFC is based in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Those close to 39-year-old Zuckerberg said that he has already started training in mixed martial arts (MMA). It is no news that he is already a jiu-jitsu champion and had won in various tournaments.

According to reliable reports, Dana White, the UFC president has endorsed the match and is looking forward to hosting it. White also admitted that both intending fighters had spoken to him and are “absolutely dead serious” about it.

“They both said, ‘Yeah, we’ll do it’. They both want to do it. This would be the biggest fight ever in the history of the world. Bigger than anything that’s ever been done. It would break all pay-per-view records… You don’t have to be a fighting fan to be interested in this fight. Everybody would want to see it,” White informed TMZ

Interestingly, over the weekend, former UFC champion, Georges St-Pierre, got in touch with Musk offering his services to train him.

He said: “I’m a huge fan of yours and it would be an absolute honour to help you and be your training partner for the challenge against Zuckerberg.”

Surprisingly, on Monday evening, Musk replied: “OK, let’s do it.”

So far, the Tesla/Tweeter boss has started training and a picture of him doing so was posted to show the fact.

In a Tweet by Business Consultant, Seyi Taylor, he stressed that there is a good chance that the fight may happen. He gave reasons.

“Elon Musk and his personality and his eccentric character. His career kind of suggests he’s not somebody who willingly steps down.”

He however put a bet on Zuckerberg. Hear him: “Zuckerberg all day! He’s 12 years younger. He is a lot smaller. I think he’s 5ft 7, Elon’s probably around 6ft. And Elon’s probably got a couple of stone in weight on him.

“But unfortunately Mr Musk has got no training whatsoever. Even though Zuckerberg’s only been training Brazilian jiu-jitsu for 18 months, it wouldn’t be difficult for him to take his back, wrap his arms around his neck and give him a good old cuddle and choke him out!”

However, it should be noted that Musk’s father, Errol, has described the planned bout as a “Schoolboy’s cage fight” and his son is in a “no-win situation”.

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