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Police detain man for drugging, raping 10-year-old girl

One 33-year-old Danladi Ibrahim, living in Nasaru village, Ningi LGA, Bauchi state, is currently cooling his heels in police custody. He is accused of drugging and defiling a 10-year-old girl.

The victim was allegedly rendered unconscious after being tricked into drinking a liquid made of intoxicating lemonade, afterwards defiled by the perpetrator.

According to SP Ahmed Mohammed Wakil, the state’s Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), who confirmed the incident, the victim’s father reported the case to the divisional police headquarters in Ningi, which serves as the administrative centre for the Ningi LGA.

The police official continued that the girl had severe internal injuries in her private area, which caused her to bleed.

“On the 25th May, 2023 at about 1233hrs one Abubakar Garba Yahua ‘m’ of Nasaru village Ningi LGA, Bauchi State, reported at Divisional Headquarters Ningi that on the same date at about 1141hrs, one Danladi Ibrahim ‘m’ aged 33yrs of Nasaru village, Ningi LGA deceitfully gave a lemon drink to his daughter one Nadiya ‘f’ (not real name) aged 10yrs old suspected to be mixed with a toxicant which led her to an unconscious condition and forcefully had carnal knowledge of her.

“As a result, the victim sustained serious internal injuries in her private part and is bleeding,” the PPRO said.

According to SP Wakil, the victim was taken to the Ningi General Hospital by a police team led by the DPO to be treated before being taken to the National Obstetrics Fistula Centre (NOFIC) Ningi, Ningi LGA, Bauchi State, and then transferred to the Federal Medical Centre (FMC), Birnin Kudu, Jigawa State, for additional medical care.

Wakil revealed that the suspect had been detained and during questioning confessed to committing the act.

The spokesperson also added that the police are committed to getting to the root of the crime.

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