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Prophet, yahoo boy to die by hanging for killing, eating LASU student

A 42-year-old Prophet, Philip Segun and 23-year-old Owolabi Adeeko were on Monday sentenced to death by hanging by an Osun State High Court sitting in Ikire, headquarters of Irewole Local Government Area, for the murder of one Favour Daley-Oladele, a final year student of the Lagos State University.

The two men were convicted of conspiracy and murder by Justice Christiana Obadina.

Recall that Prophet Segun was the owner of Cherubim and Seraphim Church, Solution Chapel, Ikoyi-Ile, where a yahoo boy, Owolabi and his mother went to seek wealth in 2019.

The prosecution had presented evidence that Prophet Segun and Adeeko had killed Daley-Oladele for ritual purposes. They had lured her to the Prophet’s home in Ikoyi-Ile, Osun State, on December 8, 2019, under the pretense of helping her with her spiritual problems.

Once she arrived at the house, Prophet Segun and Adeeko drugged her and then strangled her to death. They then dismembered her body and burned some of the remains.

However, on the 15th of November, 2021, the convicts were arraigned on two count charge of conspiracy and murder, contrary to sections 324 and 319(1) of the Criminal Code Cap. 34 Laws of Osun, 2002.

Nine witnesses were called by the prosecution and exhibits were also tendered. However, the defence had no witnesses and Owolabi confessed that he used his girlfriend to prepare a ritual meal for money.

The prosecution also presented evidence that Segun had consumed some of Daley-Oladele’s flesh.

In her ruling, Justice Obadina said that the prosecution had proved its case beyond a reasonable doubt. She sentenced Segun and Adeeko to death by hanging for murder and 14 years imprisonment for conspiracy.

Bola Adeeko, the mother of Owolabi Adeeko, was also sentenced to two years imprisonment for eating human flesh.

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