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US police arrest, charge white woman who shot, killed Nigerian neighbour

Finally, the white woman who had shot and killed her black neighbour has been arrested by police.

The police on Wednesday said 58-year-old Susan Lorincz, 58, has been charged with manslaughter with a firearm and other offenses.

Recall that Lorincz had on Friday shot a lady with Nigerian heritage, Ajike Owens, her neighbour through the door all because she had come to ask her why she had taken her kids iPad.

The police who was already aware of a feud which has lasted between the neighbours for over two years said an eyewitness came out to relay what had actually happened between the two. They stressed that if the witness had come earlier, the arrest would have been effected.

“Now many of you were struggling to understand why there was not an immediate arrest. The laws here in the state of Florida are clear. Now I may not like them. I may not agree with them. But however, those laws I will follow,” The Police Chief in Marion County, Florida said.

He continued: “Through investigation, including obtaining the statements of eyewitnesses who only came forward as late as yesterday were able to establish that Lorincz’s actions were not justifiable under Florida law.”

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