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Woman stabs little girl to stop father from recommending second wife to husband

Police operatives in Kano state are in hot pursuit of one Fatima Malam who allegedly stabbed a six-year-old girl, Sherifat Usman. The little girl is currently battling for her life.

Reports claim that Fatima stabbed the girl multiple times in the stomach to teach her father a lesson of minding his own business and to stop him from advising her husband to marry a second wife.

However, Fatima’s husband, Malam, has since informed that his wife is mentally deranged.

The two families are residents of Gadon Kaya Damatsiri in the Gwale Local Government Area of Kano State.

Sources said Fatima lured Sherifat to accompany her to the Mariri area in the Kumbotso Local Government Area of the state where she stabbed the girl.

One of the sources said, “On their way to Mariri, Fatima bought a kitchen knife on credit. She took Sherifat to an uncompleted building where she stabbed her severally in her stomach with the sole intention to kill her.

“Fatima wanted to kill Sherifat in vengeance because she felt her (Sherifat’s) father was the one instigating her husband to get a second wife.

“Fatima has been acting strange in recent times. Some weeks ago, she brought out a pestle one evening, threatening that she would kill somebody if her husband eventually takes another wife.”

It was learnt that after stabbing Sherifat, Fatima hurriedly left the scene believing that the little girl was dead.

The girl’s cry, however, attracted passers-by who rescued her.

The state Police Public Relations Officer, SP Abdullahi Haruna, confirmed the incident to journalists on Wednesday.

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