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Influencers, skit makers form union to control content

Following the arrest of Abdullahi Adisa popular as Trinity Guy and issues with the law by a few other online skit makers in the recent past, a pioneering union with the set goal of representing the rights of their members has been formed.

The online content creators who are gradually becoming a force to be reckoned with in the entertainment industry said through its acting President, Micheal Nwabufo, that the proposed union seeks to create a unified front for content creators, protect intellectual property rights, and promote professional standards and ethical guidelines for content creation and influencer marketing.

“This will help foster transparency, authenticity, and responsible practises, safeguarding the trust between creators, influencers, and their audiences. This will also curb unethical practises such as misleading advertisements, among other vices, and further strengthen the reputation of content creators and influencers.

“The proposed union aspires to become a platform for education, networking, and support for its members. By pooling resources and expertise, the union aims to provide workshops, training programmes and mentorship opportunities to empower creators and influencers in their professional journeys.

“Collaboration and knowledge-sharing among members will be emphasised to foster a sense of community and to drive innovation within the industry “ he added.

The acting president who is better known as Mike Premium further said that the union which has stakeholders from various online handles like TikTok, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube has formed a committee to look into Trinity Guy’s case. They are currently in consultations, it was revealed.

Influencers have been known to work individually. However, the union’s representative argued that the massive acceptance and growth of what is clearly becoming an industry called for a more formal body.

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